full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Alex Gendler: The myth of Loki and the master builder

Unscramble the Blue Letters

The gods balked at this request and were ready to send him away. But the trickster Loki concocted a diouevs plan. He told the gods they should apccet the stranger’s offer, but set such sritct conditions that he would fail to complete the wall in time. That way, they would lose nothing, while getting most of the wall bilut for free. Freya didn’t like this idea at all, but Odin and the other gods were convinced and came to an agreement with the builder. He would only have one winter to complete the wall. If any part was uhnniesfid by the first day of summer, he would reecvie no payment. And he could have no help from any other people. The gods slaeed the deal with solemn oahts and swore the mason would come to no harm in Asgard.

Open Cloze

The gods balked at this request and were ready to send him away. But the trickster Loki concocted a _______ plan. He told the gods they should ______ the stranger’s offer, but set such ______ conditions that he would fail to complete the wall in time. That way, they would lose nothing, while getting most of the wall _____ for free. Freya didn’t like this idea at all, but Odin and the other gods were convinced and came to an agreement with the builder. He would only have one winter to complete the wall. If any part was __________ by the first day of summer, he would _______ no payment. And he could have no help from any other people. The gods ______ the deal with solemn _____ and swore the mason would come to no harm in Asgard.


  1. strict
  2. accept
  3. devious
  4. built
  5. sealed
  6. receive
  7. oaths
  8. unfinished

Original Text

The gods balked at this request and were ready to send him away. But the trickster Loki concocted a devious plan. He told the gods they should accept the stranger’s offer, but set such strict conditions that he would fail to complete the wall in time. That way, they would lose nothing, while getting most of the wall built for free. Freya didn’t like this idea at all, but Odin and the other gods were convinced and came to an agreement with the builder. He would only have one winter to complete the wall. If any part was unfinished by the first day of summer, he would receive no payment. And he could have no help from any other people. The gods sealed the deal with solemn oaths and swore the mason would come to no harm in Asgard.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

Important Words

  1. accept
  2. agreement
  3. asgard
  4. balked
  5. builder
  6. built
  7. complete
  8. concocted
  9. conditions
  10. convinced
  11. day
  12. deal
  13. devious
  14. fail
  15. free
  16. freya
  17. gods
  18. harm
  19. idea
  20. loki
  21. lose
  22. mason
  23. oaths
  24. odin
  25. offer
  26. part
  27. payment
  28. people
  29. plan
  30. ready
  31. receive
  32. request
  33. sealed
  34. send
  35. set
  36. solemn
  37. strict
  38. summer
  39. swore
  40. time
  41. told
  42. trickster
  43. unfinished
  44. wall
  45. winter